Saturday, March 1, 2014

Monday, June 18, 2012


Progress at last! Down 6# since starting the program.

I had to restart the program but it seems to be much better this time around.

Today I am headed to the Y to do my 30 minutes and then studying and then work.


Life's good :-)



Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 1, take II

I have to restart the cleanse portion as between Sunday and Monday I drastically went off the wagon. I am back on track today and hoping to finish out these 8 days with flying colors!
I have lost 3# since the new journey started. Taking life one day at a time...

Friday, June 8, 2012

Day 1

As promised, here is the program update:

Unfortunately, I don't own a scale at this time, but last time I was at the doctor, this was the number on the scale...

Starting weight in pounds: 330
Starting measurements in inches:

Bust: 53
Chest: 50
Waist: 56
Hips: 60
Thigh: 36
Calf: 20
Upper Arm: 18
Forearm: 14

For those wondering what program I am on, it is the Xyngular program/series of products.  They have been medically tested and have been a god-send to people I know.  It's worth it to me to give it a shot.
Day one is a cleansing day, consisting of mostly protein and supplements.  If you want more information on the products, leave a comment!  

The first day program-wise is good, although I am sad that my husband left the same day... but it gives me a chance to spend the first couple of days with fewer temptations and time for positive reflection.  Maybe we'll give yoga a shot, as long as it doesn't involve my left arm!



Wednesday, June 6, 2012

New Journey Ahead...

It's been awhile, I know...but here's a quick catch-up:

 - Stopped Weight Watchers because I was missing meetings which was wasting money...

 - Got legally married in February, had a showy wedding in March, and had a reception in May...

- Graduated in May...

 - Started a new job in May...

...So here we are...

Carl and I want children.  At this point, aside from the money and the housing, the main barrier is my weight.  I know that I need to loose weight in order to have a healthy pregnancy, maybe to even conceive.

This past week, Carl and I have been attempting to be more mindful and watching our intake of the things we know are "bad", i.e. sugary drinks and junk food.

 Carl will continue on that path and join the Y.

I have elected to try the Xyngular program again.  It worked really well last time and I believe now I can accept this as a lifestyle change.  I have a therapist now whom I can discuss issues regarding my unhealthy food and body image.  These are positive changes!

I chose Xyngular because my BFF Kim had me try them a couple of years ago and I enjoyed the product.  In January, Kim and I did the 8 day introduction to the program with a 10# success.  I felt better during those 8 days than I have in a LONG time!  When I take these products, I have energy and I have a smaller appetite!

I know a lot of people nay-say about these kind of programs, but this one is the real deal.  I personally know people who have been on these products for years and are much healthier than they were prior to the program.

This won't be easy and I know I will falter occasionally... I just need to keep trying, keep my eye on my future and keep moving forward.

On Friday, I will post my starting picture, weight, and inches.  Let's get real and let's do this.

Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Weight Loss Tools

All my love,


Friday, August 5, 2011


So, I'm 6# down in weight watchers. I've made pacts with people about exercising at least 30 min/day (60 min/day starting Monday!) I feel like I am determined to get this weight off. Yet, I am still terribly addicted to sugar...especially sugary coffees and sodas. I have a coke sitting next to me as I type! I don't even need it, I just WANT it. Plus I had what I thought was a healthy breakfast, but it turned out to be just as point heavy as a Mickie D's Egg McMuffin!

About Me Myspace Comments

Lovin Starbucks myspace comments

i keep trying to lose weight myspace comments

So here we try again... tomorrow we start fresh with no coke and less sugary coffee. That should help ween me off, right??

Oh and 30 minutes of Biggest Loser Challenge for Wii should help too...

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Things I'm sick of...
Whenever I don't feel well, the first question anybody asks me is if I'm preggo. For real? If I'm pregnant, I promise after my husband, my family and my Dr, Facebook will be the next to know.

P.S. the pic attached is my adorable niece Isabelle.